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A suite of Accident Information and Data Analysis (AIDA) tools.  AIDA is envisioned as a collection of accident data management and analysis tools.  The first tool AIDA’s eMARS Light prototype, now available in the MINERVA platform.  The AIDA eMARS Light offers model of a chemical accident reporting application for countries interested in establishing their own online tool and database of chemical accidents.  Authorized users of any interested country (inside or outside the EU) can test the functionality of the tool by entering accident data.

AIDA may also assist the Joint Research Centre in better understanding how to improve the next version of the EU's eMARS (  eMARS is the official reporting system for EU and EEA Member States to meet reporting obligations under the Seveso Directive.  It also facilitates exchange of accident information between OECD and other countries.

In future, other analytical tools may be developed for the AIDA suitebased on needs of the JRC and its stakeholder communities and as resources allow.